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Sunday 16 February 2014

MAC MAC MAC Colour Coding

OK... So let me start of by saying... I have a worthy excuse for abandoning SeiBella for the past while! :( Fourth year of college in a design course is tough going!!
AND Finding time to breaaaatheeee is even hard! I'm here and back and ready keep control of my chaotic self! And love my blog a little more.. Just a few months before I hopefully graduate with an honors degree! agh lkfngl!!! **Fingers crossed**

Anyway the true star of this blog post is MAC and I'm devoting this whoooole thing to their foundation! Providing the whole colour breakdown and in-between  professing my deep heartfelt LOVE for their products! I just love that every piece of make-up in their store!!! EVERYTHING is so pigmented I mean that's what you want from your make-up right?! Then you use as little or as much as you want or need!
Preferably what you need!!

 I walked into the store and felt like I was in a candy shop! Being a poor student in MAC is heartbreaking! I wanted to try on everything and play with the brushes and smudge every conceivable product in there on my face! Usually I would have no time for hanging around in there because its usually quite busy and I can't focus my full attention on the gems dazzling before me! But then I get all stressed and feel the need to leave!

Anyway I went in with a goal, to find the perfect foundation! AND I did!! Praise the Lord! Ladies -Its called foundation for a reason it literally is the basis on which I apply the rest of my make-up! If your foundation is patchy and orange and makes you look anything less then Flawless...You may as well not be wearing any! I feel like I could go on and on about this for ages so I am going to just get to the point!!

Right...As far as I understand MAC codes play a vital role example. NC/NW or just N or W on their own! These are the codes!!
NC standing for Neutral Cool . NW standing for Neutral Warm
These are then followed by a set of numbers! Which determines the Shade of the foundation
The shades go from 15-55 fifteen being the palest! 
Now combine the code and number and you get the correct shade -I am NC20

Before I go any further and confuse myself MAC switch things around!! NW-is  for pink skin tones while NC- Is for more of a yellow base skin tone!
The Pink and Yellow thing can be confusing its hard to know especially with so many different shades.
Once you know the undertone to your skin that is half the battle! Generally pink is referred to as Cool and Yellow as warm hence the confusion with MAC!

Still with me ladies?

There are some ODD numbers in the different selection shades of foundations, these odd numbered foundations actually don't have such a strong undertone and are more neutral! One other thing to keep in your pretty little head is that with the different foundations of MACs such as; Studio fix, Face and body foundation, Studio Sculpt etc. etc. etc....Vary in shades..
FOR EXAMPLE: NW20 studio fix might not be the same shade as NW20 in one of the other foundations like Studio Sculpt!

Hope I helped! Maybe thought someone something not very important in life but important in the world of beauty! :P

Whats your fav MAC Product!? Do you like their foundations?!
Ciao Bella <3

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