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Sunday 5 January 2014

New Skin Resolutions !!

New years is always full of good intentions and wishes! 
Its not always easy to stick to them, especially when you get that massive insistent craving for chocolate. YUM!  Like the Cadburys Marvellous Creations... If you do not know this chocolate bar... Shame on you! GOOGLE IT (so you know what it looks like). BUY IT and  EAT IT!! Anyway getting seriously sidetracked... New years- Healthy, yes!! OK! So my point is we all get tempted and its good to have that little bit of chocolate and enjoy it.

Many People smother themselves with products and lotions due to the promise that if we use them, we will have clear clean and beautiful skin. Now don't get me wrong, I'm not saying that there are no good products out there and it is all lies. The truth is, its what we eat that really contributes to how we look and feel.(unless your blessed with insane genes and just have naturally beautiful skin! In that case I envy you!) If you feel good on the inside and are healthy then it is likely to show outside and visa versa! 

SO... this year my New Skin Resolution is to be healthier in terms of what I eat and drink! I'm still going to eat chocolate but adding small healthier habits into my life is my goal! 

Anyone heard of Herbal teas? This is a great place to start!! It may be difficult to get used to at the start, especially if you are more of a coffee or tea drinker. Herbal teas are caffeine free and instantly healthier! Teas like twinings tea have a massive selection of different flavored teas. Peppermint and nettle being are some of my personal favorites and warm mug of tea is always comforting!
Health & Skin Benefits:
Peppermint-Aids in oily skin, by lowering the secretion of oil
                 -Heals Acne, this is due to the menthol
                - Great for IBS Irritable Bowel Syndrome
                - It also improves the digestive system
Nettle tea-Great for detoxing
                -Helps IBS
                -Clearer Skin
                -Cleanses Kidneys and Blood
The lists are endless!

Of course there's also drinking water 2 liters a day,which a lot of us don't do! Small amounts throughout the day can do wonders for your skin! Even  just a glass of water first thing in the morning balances your lymph system  and does wonders for your skin.

Water and herbal teas are easy and simple habit's that are easy to pick up and that are great for your health and skin without going over kill on the New Years resolutions!

Finally there is one product I do want to mention, about a year and a half ago I literally went nuts for all things organic and would literally read the ingredients on the back of every product. I would  Google each ingredient and found so many ingredients that were less then nice to your skin...Thats a whole other blog post though!
Anyway I read up on all the different alternatives, as I have sensitive skin which kind of developed from no where!! (also a lot of products say they have rosehip or other natural ingredients but its slightly misleading as usually they are in TINY amounts thus not enough to be beneficial!) When I would get a spot it would remain red even after the spot had gone!! So I started to research which natural products, flowers etc. were good for different skin problems/ types etc. (stay with me I know its getting very airy fairy)  Then somewhere Randomly on Google I found the solution: Rosewater, as I researched further I found Rosewater could be mixed with other ingredients such as glycerin.

Rosewater has tones of benefits like anti inflammatory properties, mood enhancer, it has astringent properties-used after facials to close pores, reduces redness and blotchiness its basically an all rounder.  So I went to my chemist and asked for Rose and  glycerin water.
The Rosehip is so soothing and calming and the Glycerin is moisturizing. It honestly is a little gem and is great for oily skin, especially if moisturizing creams make you break out!! Saying that its great for dry too. I literally swear by it and I paid; three euro twenty for a 125ml bottle. Applying it with a soft cotton pad onto your clean face before bed, allows for it to work best. although the glycerin is slightly sticky its totally worth it and nothing a splash of cold water in the morning cant fix! If you did want to purchase something more luxurious and more true to it promises trilogy lovely products like the Rosehip oil for moisturizing your body.

What are your New Years resolutions?  <3
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