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Monday 9 June 2014

3 Skin Gems for SUPER Stressed and Tired skin!

Its JUNE! Officially we can say it is summer! :) 
And.. I can also say (officially) I have  finished college after four long years!
Its a strange feeling to go from no sleep and tones of stress to feelings of just nothing.. Its kind of like you are falling at a top speed and then you just  all of a sudden come to a complete STOP! And you are just floating around in mid air kind of like riggggghhhht...Dazed, trying to process it all and wondering.. WHAT THE HELL TO DO NEXT?!? You wonder what to do with your time... You actually HAVE time and then the worry kicks in.. The worry of results and getting flash backs of drunk you on your class night out! (Advice here would be to eat and pace yourself and just maybe not drink at all ugh!) 
Plus being an anxious person tends to make everything that much worse...

Whoa that was a load off.. 
Moving swiftly on from my rambling. I have had three little amigos to help me feel and look my best throughout this hectic year, two of which are quite recent. Firstly let me start off by saying how much I LOVE La Roche - Posay. I just always seem to be using one of these products if not more and their products are just something I constantly return to. If like me you have slightly sensitive skin or even super sensitive skin and don't like harsh products then this brand is just delightful and without all the crap. I love its simple packaging, there is little to no smell, its not their products are not harsh they are just so soothing! I really do recommend giving it ago, your skin will thank you!

I tend to have oily skin but recently enough (like when I a stressed) I can get dry patches and spots because your eating crap, not sleeping enough bla bla blaa. Now this can be horrible because your trying to get rid of grease yet you still need to moisturize and keep the dry patches at bay and it can all get a bit CRAY. I also found I was over washing trying to get rid of spots and it was just too god damn much!! SO, I striped it all back! I used just a face cloth and warm water and that was it for washing my face. NOTE: If you find your skin is tight and dry after washing it more then likely your face wash IS TO HARSH! You are stripping it off too much oil! Anyway three paragraphs in, my first cherished skin product has to be, drum roll please!!!
Effaclar Duo Anti imperfection I used it religiously for two weeks after washing my face and then eased off once I saw a difference and it worked like a charm, it's a great primer and just all round swell product! Just fab!

I'm going to just get right in there with the second product, wasting no time... We have the lovely Avene another french brand! I have to say I have never used any of these products at all. To be honest I want to say I have never even heard of it, so I could feel like I just completely stumbled across something new, but for some reason I just overlooked them. 
Anyway! Once my skin decided to behave a little better it returned to its greasy routes, much to my happiness believe it or not I started to use Eau Thermale Avene gel soapless cleanser  for oily blemish prone skin.  I really REALLLY like this face wash, honestly I may be a little hormonal but it made want to cry a little. It just was like the missing piece in my puzzle. It just does exactly what it says it does and I was skeptical and ye, so buy it! I actually just have a tiny tester size which I have used for the last two months its only 25ml and there is still a good bit left so its definitely value for money! I wish I had found it when I was younger! 

Finally my last little amigo to help me was actually another Avene product. Now before I go any further, only use only small amounts because it is quite hydrating and too much I feel could lead to chaos for oily skin users! This product is the Eau Thermale Avene tolerance extreme cream  this is a CREAM and it hydrates, I think what I love about these products is that they actually do what they claim to do! I love the packaging and when you squeeze the cream out it seals itself down slowly allowing no air through, I am a little bit of freak with germs and things being clean maybe even a bit anal but I love this idea and again its just soothing for tired and stressed skin. Its cooling and kind to your skin. 

What are your Skin amigos and let me know if there are any other products you guys would recommend from either of these brands! 
K x

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